Tammy Steele is a retired educator who spent more than a decade working on a variety of special grant-funded projects with Chicago Public Schools and City of Chicago Day Care Programs. She worked with Columbia College, Erikson Institute, Terra Museum, and the Chicago Arts Partnership in Education (CA.P.E.) organizations to reform curriculum in both arts and preschool programs. She worked with six Chicago Public Schools as a facilitator of teacher training through the Annenberg Grant, and the Erikson Arts Project. She produced a resource directory to Chicago’s arts organizations published by the Chicago Board of Ed, Chicago Arts Resources: Growing Up With Art. She edited and designed the CPS Chinese Heritage Curriculum Guide. She is the recipient of awards from the Illinois Alliance of Arts Education, the Junior League of Chicago, and the Mercedes Mentor Award. She is a former member of the Art Resources in Teaching Board of Directors, and previously served as Chair of the Program Innovation Committee at Urban Gateways.