Lin Shook

Artist • Teaching • Dance

Lin Shook is founder and artistic/executive director of Perceptual Motion, Inc., a modern dance company with dancers aged 22 to 74. She has an MA in dance from American University and a BA in education. She has conducted workshops, dance residencies, and teacher in-services through Urban Gateways, C.A.P.E., Arts 4 Learning, ArtStart, the Vittum Theater, the Illinois Arts Council Arts-in-Education program and Perceptual Motion, Inc. since 1985

Ms. Shook was one of three dance specialists who wrote the Chicago Fine Arts Standards for dance, has written extensively on arts integration for the Illinois Alliance for Arts Education and Chicago Public Schools and has published lesson plans on the Arts 4 Learning website.

Lin’s work has been influenced by her studies with Hanya Holm, Eric Hawkins, Alwin Nikolais and Liz Lerman and in Chicago with Shirley Mordine, Nana Shineflug and Jan Erkert.

“Shook’s connection to arcane, sophisticated science and art is fascinating.” -Sid Smith, dance critic

“Shook’s choreography is challenging and innovative.” -Lucia Mauro, dance critic

Lin Shook is founder and Artistic Director of Perceptual Motion, Inc. Dance Company, currently celebrating its 29th year. Perceptual Motion, Inc. is a modern dance company composed of professional dancers who range in age from 22 to 79. It’s mission is to transform the abstract imagery of dance into personal and meaningful experiences for people of all ages. Ms. Shook served on the Board of Directors of the Chicago Dance Coalition from 1984 to 1990 during which time she was founder and editor of the Chicago Dance Coalition Newsletter.


Artist Information

Languages Spoken
  • English
Years with Urban Gateways
  • 35
Areas of Expertise
  • Modern Dance
  • Creative Movement
Learning Environments
  • Virtual
  • In-Person



She was tremendous! Lin Shook was exceptional in her commitment and knowledge of curricular integration. We would have her back in the blink of an eye. She enchanted our small learners into a world of new animals, songs, movement and high-level vocabulary. What an educational treat!
Dr. Ann O'Connell, Dever School