February 7, 2013 //

Proud presenters at the CPAA Conference!

Today and tomorrow, the Chicago Principals and Administrators Association conference is in full swing downtown. And we’re thrilled to be there! Today we’re hanging out and sharing info about our …

February 5, 2013 //

Artist Q&A: Carol Weston, Music Educator

Time for another Teaching Artist Q&A! We had such fun interviewing visual artist Karen Light the other week – and we think you enjoyed it, too – so now we …

January 31, 2013 //

Opening minds in music: Why every tune CAN strike a chord

This morning I am loving this article on the BBC concerning music – which types of music please us, which don’t, and why. Here’s what researchers in Australia figured out: …

January 29, 2013 //

The Zombie Dance, caught on film

Where: Mays Academy, Englewood Who: Fifth and sixth grade students What: After-school dance residency with UG teaching artist Kim Schomburg Suffice it to say, I am chuckling disruptively at my …

January 24, 2013 //

Artist Q&A: Karen Light, Visual Arts

Because we work alongside countless incredible teaching and touring artists, and because every one of them has so much to say and share, we’re starting to feature artist Q&As from …

January 22, 2013 //

VANS Custom Culture Contest – Win $50k for your school!

It’s always really amazing to see huge and popular brands take action for Arts Ed. In this case, VANS has teamed up with Journeys and Americans for the Arts in …

January 17, 2013 //

Make Black History Month Come Alive

Black History Month – an opportunity for education, an opportunity for art, an opportunity for inspiration It’s almost February, which means it’s almost Black History Month. Looking for ways to …


Animation gets real at EPIC Academy

Talk about jam-packing a whole lot of awesome into a teaching artist residency…This fall at EPIC Academy in South Chicago, Urban Gateways artist Samantha Hill outlined the basics of graphic …


Celebrating Special Kids Making Art

Teaching artist Judy Petaque recently spent eight weeks working with 1st and 2nd grade students with Autism and Attention Deficit Disorders at Daniel C. Beard Elementary School. This is just …


Our Top 12 Favorite Blog Moments of 2012!

Is it really already 2013? Where did 2012 go? While it definitely flew by, it was also filled with tons of amazing Urban Gateways moments that were highlighted here on …